
Selasa, 30 Juli 2019

Cancel your Netflix subscription following these easy steps

Netflix gives you access to thousands of shows and movies with new options appearing regularly. For as little as $9 a month you can pay to stream on one screen at a time with SD resolution. Another option is to pay $13 to bump your viewing to two screens at once with HD resolution or go even higher at $16 for four screens at once with HD and Ultra HD resolution. If this streaming service's offerings aren't doing it for you, it might be time to cancel. Follow these easy steps to end your membership.

Products used in this guide

  • The original streamer: Netflix (From $9/mo at Netflix)

How to cancel Netflix

  1. Go to and click on the red button in the upper right-hand corner that says "Sign In."

  2. Enter your email address or phone number in the top box, and your password in the lower box then click "Sign In."

  3. When the page loads, click on your main account. It will open up to the Netflix streaming page.

  4. Hover over your profile image in the top right-hand corner of the screen. A drop-down menu appears. Click on "Account."

  5. Your account information will now be displayed. Click the button on the left that says, "Cancel Membership."

  6. When the next page loads, click "Finish Cancellation."

  7. A new screen pops up letting you know that your membership has been canceled and gives you a final date for when you'll no longer be able to stream shows and movies.

While being able to watch plenty of shows and movies is a major plus, you might not use the service enough to warrant having it. Big hits have left Netflix or are leaving soon, including The Office, Friends, and several Disney shows and movies. It's possible that one of the many other streaming services out there might offer more of the media you want. Fortunately, canceling or even re-opening your membership with Netflix isn't tricky.

Reasons to consider keeping your membership

This streaming service might be losing classic hits that it's showcased for a while, but there are still plenty of other movies and programs to keep you entertained for hours. One of the biggest reasons to stay is because Netflix has some excellent originals that you won't find anywhere else - the most notable one being the Duffer Brothers' Stranger Things.

Original streamer


From $9/mo at Netflix

Stream thousands of movies and shows

This streaming service gives you access to thousands of shows and movies. In addition to offering hits from other networks and companies, Netflix also makes its own productions like the highly acclaimed Stranger Things series.

Other helpful Streaming things

Whether you're sticking with Netflix or looking for other ways to keep yourself entertained these following products and services may be of interest to you.

Fire TV Stick

$50 at Amazon

Amazon's streaming media stick allows you to access your favorite streaming services like Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, or HBO, all from your TV screen. You still need a membership to each specific service to access shows and movies.

Roku Streaming Stick

$46 at Amazon

This is another solid streaming stick that can help you access your favorite streaming memberships from your TV. It comes with a remote so you can use it from the couch or bed. Use it watch favorite media from Netflix, Hulu, ESPN, and more.


From $7/mo at Disney Plus - Coming Soon!

On November 12, Disney fans will have access to the company's inexpensive streaming service. There you'll find popular Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and classic Disney hits as well as a line up of brand new content.

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